International rating agencies assess the credit risk of insurance companies according to their own methods and criteria. As a result, even if the same hard facts are being considered, rating results can vary among different rating agencies. The large number of rating factors and complex correlations between ratings in different sectors can make it very difficult to understand rating decisions and almost impossible to anticipate them. The aim of the seminar is to offer an in-depth analytical assessment of the credit risk of international insurance companies and to discuss how these relate to ratings in other sectors. Mag. Slomovits guides you through numerous case studies through the rating methodologies and explains how rating agencies work in detail and make individual rating decisions. This will enable you to identify rating changes at an early stage and initiate any countermeasures.
- Rating criteria for insurance companies#
– Business Risk Profiles: industry and country risk, competitive and growth opportunities, product and concentration risks and geographic diversification
– Financial Risk Profiles: capitalisation and profitability, risk-bearing capacity, financial flexibility
– Management rating
– Potential support mechanisms - Rating criteria for evaluating start-ups and their special characteristics
- Critical view on ratings and regulations for insurance companies
- Rating criteria for
– the potential impact of debt restructuring
– government-related entities
– assessment of creditworthiness higher than the sovereign
– Use of Credit Watch and Outlook - case study on currently published rating reports
Date: 5 June 2019
Type of seminar: Full day practical seminar
Language: German
Location: ARS Conference and Seminar Center, Vienna
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